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Tuesday 23 August 2011


This is my story about vacation to Padang Sumatera Barat Indonesia. And This vacation i do with my famaly around of march 2009 and it is more than 2 years. And Until that vacation I never go there again.

But the location is nice and good place becuase the location in closed to the see. and we called "Pantai Air Manis" may be in English , we can say " Sweet Water Beach" and around 2 hours from Padang, you can reach the location. But it is not easy to reach the location because from Padang city, you should drive a car to pass the big hill. because from padang the location is closed by the Hill.

And If you wanna go there, I think better you go with the travel agent or you can go by taxi or rent car. And make sure the condition of car is very good because the road is very dangerous closed to the gap. And Should be carefully if drive on that road. Bu don't be afraid as long as you drive safety you can catch the location of Pantai Air Manis.

 Catatan si Malin Kundang: Antologi eseiHere some story about Malin Kundang from Indonesia , becuase there are many story looks like Malin Kundang in the world. The sample is nahkoda manis, story from Brunei and Si Tanggang from malaysia.
and i don't which is the real story about the fishman who are rich but he arogant with his mother and became a stone. As long as this story is make you happy, I ma happy ..

"The Sory of Malin Kundang"
Malin Kundang (also called Si Tanggang or Nakhoda Manis) is a Southeast Asian folktale about retribution on an ungrateful son. A sailor from a poor family, the protagonist sneaks onto a trading ship, eventually becoming rich, marrying a princess, and acquiring his own galleon. On his return to his home village, he is ashamed of his humble origins and refuses to recognise his elderly mother. She curses him, and when he sets sail, he and his ship are turned to stone.

In Indonesia, the story is called Malin Kundang, and the legend is based in West Sumatra. Air Manis, a beach near Padang, has a rock formation called Batu Malin Kundang that is said to be the remains of his ship.

Another Indonesian folk story which is alike but take the different location is the legend of Sampuraga. The legend is based in Central Borneo. Belantikan Hulu, a remote area along the river Lamandau, Indonesia, has a rock formation called Bukit Sampuraga which is believed to be the ruins of his ship.

Nakhoda Manis

In Brunei, the story is Nakhoda Manis and is associated with a prow-like rock, Jong Batu, in the Brunei River.[3]

Si Tanggang
In Malaysia, the story is known as Si Tanggang (or Si Tenggang), being associated with the Batu Caves, some chambers of which are said to resemble a ship's cabins. [4] The Malaysian version is unique in that the protagonist, Tanggang, is an orang asli from the Temuan tribe who was abducted by slave traders. He later assimilates himself into Malay society and refuses to receive his loincloth-wearing parents. A variance of Si Tenggang, with the title "Charitra Megat Sajobang" was also mentioned in Malay Magic (1900) pp 54-55 printed by The Macmillan Company : New York. Clearly shown that as at 1900, it's already acquire a status as folklore stories

As a parable on family responsibility, the story is popular in Southeast Asia as a theme for animations, film, drama and literature even until today. For example, a black and white Malay movie was produced in 1961 [9], the 1979 autobiographical The Travel Journals of Si Tenggang II, one of the major poetical collections of the Malaysian Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh, uses the story as a metaphor for the general experience of moving away from one's cultural roots.[10], and 2009 Astro Malaysia Documentary.

reference of this story is from Wikipedia and others outher experinces during trip in Padang.

 here I enclosed the picture of Pantai Kayu Manis.

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Part od Ship that became a stone"

  Part of the Ship already became a stone

The Malin Kundang

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Part of the Ship already became a stone

Part of the Ship already became a stone

Part of the Ship already became a stone
And I don't know this is true story or only legend.

Kuala Lumpur, 23 August 2011 at 10.31 pm.


Actually it almost one year i go to The Great Wall , but becuase of the location is very good so i wanna share to you the greatest wall that I ever see in the World.

"The Short Story about the Great Wall"
The great wall is symbolizing China's ancient civilixation is one of the world's most reowned projects. Construction of the wall began during the 7th century B.C the spring and Autumn Period and the Warring states Period (770-221 B.C) It extends from Shanhaiguan pass in the east, a seaport alone the coast of Bohai Bay, To Jiayuguan pass in gansu province in the west. It's the total length is more than 6,700 kilometers. badaling is the highest point of the wall, 800 meters above sea level.

If you can not speak Chinesse better you go to the Great Wall by the tour. there are many tour guide in Beijing and will get you every interested location in bejing. The Cost is not expensive. I say about this becuase mostly chinesse people can not speak English and It can make you confused if you go to Great Wall by the public transport. And the distance between Central of Beijing to the Great wall is around 1,5 hours bus trip.
So the better choice going to Great Wall is with Travel agent.

I suggestion that If you wanna go to Great Wall during the summer time because you can see all and you can climb and every wall on the great wall. And It is  amazing place and I can not believe in my self that I even been there and always remember when I was in Beijing.

Here I enclosed the photo-photo I have taken during in Great Wall. :

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

Me in great wall

The Great Wall

Great Wall

Monday 22 August 2011


The American Petroleum Institute, commonly referred to as API, is the main U.S trade association for the oil and natural gas industry, representing about 400 corporations involved in production, refinement, distribution, and many other aspects of the petroleum industry. The association’s chief functions on behalf of the industry include advocacy and negotiation with governmental, legal, and regulatory agencies; research into economic, toxicological, and environmental effects; establishment and certification of industry standards; and education outreach.[2] API both funds and conducts research related to many aspects of the petroleum industry

Standards and certification

API distributes more than 200,000 copies of its publications each year. The publications, technical standards, and electronic and online products are designed to help users improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their operations, comply with legislative and regulatory requirements, and safeguard health, ensure safety, and protect the environment. Each publication is overseen by a committee of leading industry professionals. API's publications are developed by member company engineers and other professionals.

For example, API 610 is the specification for centrifugal pumps, API 675 is the specification for controlled volume positive displacement pumps, both packed-plunger and diaphragm types are included. Diaphragm pumps that use direct mechanical actuation are excluded. API 677 is the standard for gear units and API 682 governs mechanical seals.

API also defines the industry standard for the energy conservation of motor oil. API SN is the latest specification to which motor oils intended for spark-ignited engines should adhere since 2010. It supersedes API SM.[3] Different specifications exist for compression-ignited engines.

API provides vessel codes and standards for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels that help safeguard the lives of people and environments all over the world.

API also defines and drafts standards for measurement for manufactured products such as:
Precision thread gauges
Plain plug and ring gauges
Thread measuring systems
Metrology and industrial supplies
Measuring instruments
Custom gauges
Precision machining and grinding
ISO 17025 registered calibration

API has entered petroleum industry nomenclature in a number of areas:
API gravity, a measure of the density of petroleum.
API number, a unique identifier applied to each petroleum exploration or production well drilled in the United States.
API unit, a standard measure of natural gamma radiation measured in a borehole.
Education outreach

In addition to training industry workers and conducting seminars, workshops, and conferences on public policy, API develops and distributes materials and curricula for schoolchildren and educators. The association also maintains a website, Classroom Energy.

In the second half of 2008, as the US presidential election neared, API began airing a series of television ads where spokeswoman Brooke Alexander encourages people to visit their new website, EnergyTomorrow.org API does not use their own name in the ads but does call themselves "The People of America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry."

API has spent more than $3 million annually for each the last five years (2005 to 2009) on lobbying, and $3.6 million in 2009.[4] In API’s latest quarterly “Lobbying Report” submitted to the US Senate, the organization reported that it had 16 lobbyists supporting it to lobby on various Congressional activities.[5]

API conducts lobbying and organizes its member employees' attendance at public events to communicate the industry's position on various issues. A leaked summer 2009 memo from API President Jack Gerard, asked its member companies to urge their employees to participate in planned protests (designed to appear independently organized) against the cap-and-trade legislation the House passed that same summer. "The objective of these rallies is to put a human face on the impacts of unsound energy policy and to aim a loud message at [20 different] states," including Florida, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. Gerard went on to assure recipients of the memo that API will cover all organizational costs and handling of logistics. In response to the memo, an API spokesman told media that participants will be there (at protests) because of their own concerns, and that API is just helping them assemble.[6]

To help fight climate control legislation that has been approved by the US House, API supports the Energy Citizens group, which is holding public events.[7][8] API encouraged energy company employees to attend one of its first Energy Citizen events held in Houston in August 2009, but turned away Texas residents who were not employed by the energy industry. Fast Company (magazine) reported that some attendees had no idea of the purpose of the event, and called it “astroturfing at its finest.“

Here enclosed some of API Standard that used in oil and gas industry but not used on the power project :
  1. API 2B: Specification for the Fabrication of Structural Steel Pipe.
    This specification covers the fabrication of structural steel pipe formed from plate steel with Longitudinal and circumferential butt-weld seams, typically in sizes 14in Ouside Diameter (OD) and larger with wall thickness 3/8 in and greater.
This pipe is suitable for use in construction of welded Offshore Structures. And primarily intended to be use in Piling and Main Structural members.
  1. API 5L:Specification for Line Pipe:
    This specification is to provide standards for pipe suitables for use in conveying GAS, WATER, and OIL in both OIL and NATURAL GAS Industries. This specification covers seamless and welded steel line pipe. Includes Plain-End, Threaded-End, Belled-end pipe, and Through-the-Flowline (TFL)pipe and pipe with ends prepared for use with special coupling.
  2. API 520: Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries
    Part I - Sizing and Selection.

    This recommended pratice applies to the sizing and selection of pressure Relief devices used in refineries and related industries for equipment that has a MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure) of 15 psig (103 kPag) or Greater. Intended to protect infired Pressure Vessels and Related Equipment againts overpressure from Operating and Fire Contingencies.
  3. API 520: Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries
    Part II - Installation

    This recommended pratice covers methode of Installation for pressure relief devices used in refineries and related industries for equipment that has a MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure) of 15 psig (103 kPag) or Greater.
  4. API 526: Flanged Steel Pressure Relief valves
    This standard is a purchase specification for flanged steel pressure relief valves.
    Basic requirements are given for direct spring-loaded pressure relief valves and pilot-operated pressure relief valves as follows:
    a. Orifice Designation and area
    b. Valve size and pressure rating, inlet and outlet
    c. Materials
    d. Pressure-Temperature Limits
    e. Center-to-face dimensions, inlet and outlet
  5. API Standard 530/ISO 13704:2001: Calculation of Heater-Tube Thickness in Petroleum Refineries
    This Internaitonal Standards specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the procedures and design criteria used for
    calculating the required wall thickness of new tubes for petroleum refinery heaters, for both corrosive and non-corrosive applications. Specifically for the design of refinery and related process Fired Heater Tubes (direct-fired, heat-absorbing tubes with enclosures).
  6. API 541: Form-wound Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors-500 HP and Larger
    This standard covers the minimum requirements for form-wound squirrel-cage inductions motors 500 Horsepower (HP) and larger for use in Petroleum Industry Services.
  7. API 560: Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service
    This standard covers the minimum requirements for the design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing, preparation for shipment, and erection of FIRED HEATERS, AIR PREHEATERS, FANS and BURNERS for General Refinery Service.
  8. API 594: Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer and Butt-Welding
    This standard covers design, material, face-to-face dimension, pressure-temperature ratings, and examinations, inspection, test requirements for two types of Check valves:
    • TYPE A Check Valves: short face-to-face and can be wafer, lug or double flanges, singale plate or dual plate; gray iron, ductile iron, steel, nickel alloy or other alloy desihned for Installation between Class 125 - 250 Cast Iron Flanges as ASME B16.1, between Class 150 and 300 ductile iron flanges specifies in ASME B16.5, and between Class 150 - 600 steel pipeline flanges as specified in MSS SP-44 or carbon steel flanges as Specified in ASME B16.47
    • TYPE B Check Valves are long face-to-face and can be Flanged or Butt-Welding, steel, nickel allow or other alloy designed for installation between Class 150-2500 Steel Flanges as in ASME B16.5 or for butt-welding into industry accepted piping system
  9. API 598: Valve Inspection and Testing
    This standard covers inspection, examination, supplementary examinations, and pressure test requirements for resilient-seated, non-metallic-seated and metal-to-metal-seated Valves of the Gate, Globa, Plug, Ball, Check, and Butterfly type.
  10. API 602: Steel gate, Globe and Check Valves for Sizes DN 100 and Smaller for the or Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries.
    ISO 15761: 2002: This International Standard Specifies the requirements for a series of compact steel gate, globe and check valves for petroleum and natural gas industry application.
Applicable to: DN 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, and 100 corresponding to: NPS 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3 and 4. and to pressure designation of Class 150, 300, 600, 800 and Class 1500. Class 800 is not a listed class designation but is an intermediate class number widely used for socket-welding and threaded end compact valves.
  1. API 607: Testing of Valves - Fire Type-testing Requirement
    or ISO 1-497-5:2004.

    This international standard specifies fire type-testing requirements and a fire type-test methode for confirming the pressure-containing capability of valve under pressure during and after the fire test. It does not cover the testing requirements for valve actuators other than manually operated gear boxxes or similar mechanism when theses form part of the normal valve assembly.
  2. API 609: Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug and Wafer Type.
    This standard covers design, material, face-to-face dimensions; pressure-temperature ratings and examination, inspection, and test requirements for Gray Iron, Ductile Iron, Bronze, Steel, Nickel base Alloy or special alloy butterfly valves that provide shuttoff in the closed position and are suitable for flow regulation.
  3. API 610: Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries
    equivalent to:
    ISO 13709: 2003: Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries

    This international standard specifies requirements for centrifugal pumps, including pumps running in reverse as hydraulic power recovery turbines for use in petroleum, petrochemical and gas industry process services.
  4. API 611: General Purpose Steam Turbines for Refinery Service
  5. API 612: Petroleum, Petrochemical and natural Gas Industries - Steam Turbines - Special Purpose Applications
    equivalent to:
    ISO Final Draft International Standard 10437:

    This standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and preparation for shipment for Steam Turbines in special purposes services. It also covers the related lube-oil systems, instrumentation, control systems and auxiliary equipment. It is not applicable to General Purpose Steam Turbines which are covered in API Std. 611.
  6. API 613: Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services
    This standard covers the menimum requirements for specifial-purpose, enclosed, precission single and double-helical one and two-stage speed increasers and reducers of parallel-shaft design for petroleum, chemical and gas Industry services.
  7. API 614: Lubrication, Shaft-Sealing, and Control-Oil Systems and Auxiliaries for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services.
    This international standard covers the minimum requirements for lubrication systems, oil-type shaft-sealing systems, dry gas face-type shatf-sealing systems, and control-oil systems for general purposes applications. General purpose applications are limited to lubrication systems.
  8. API 616: Gas Turbines for the Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services .
    This standard covers the minimum requirements for open, simple, and regenerative-cycle combustion gas turbines units for services of mechanical drive, generator drive, or process gas generation.
  9. API 617: Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Service Industries.
This standard covers the minimum requirements for centrifugal compressors used in petroleum, chemical, and gas industries that handle air or gas. This standard does not apply to fans or blowers that develop less than 34 kPa or 5 Psi) pressure rise above atmospheric pressure; these are covered by API Standard 673.
  1. API 620: Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tank
  2. API 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage.
    This standard covers material, design, fabrication, erection, and tetsing requirements for vertical, cylindrical, aboveground, closed and open top, welded steel storage tank in various size and capacities for internal pressures approximating atmospheric pressure (internal pressure not exceedng the weight of the roof plates), but a higher internal pressure is permitted when additional requirements are met (see 1.1.10 of API 650).
This standard applies only to tanks whose entire bottom is uniformly supported and to tanks in nonrefrigerated service that have a maximum design temperature of 93 C (200 F) or less.
  1. API 661: Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Service.
    ISO 13706: 2000: Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Air Cooled Heat Exchangers.
    This International Standard gives requirements and recommendations for the designs, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and preparation for shipment of air-cooled heat exchangers for use in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
  2. API 662: Plate Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services.
    Part 1- Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers.
    ISO 15547-1:2006: (Identical)Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries-Plate-type Heat Exchangers-Part 1: Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers.
This Part of ISO 15547 gives requirements and recommendations for the mechanical designs, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and preparation for shipment of plate-and-frame heat exchangers for use in petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. It is applicbale to gasketed, semi-welded and welded plate-and-frame heat exchangers.
  1. API 670: Machinery Protection Systems.
    This standard covers the minimum requirements for a machinery protection systems measuring radial shaft vibrations, casing vibration, shaft axial position shaft rotational speed, piston rod drop, phase reference, overspeed, and critical machinery temperatures (such as bearing metal and motor windings).
It covers requirements for hardware (transducer and monitor systems), installation, documentation and testing.
  1. API 682: Pumps-Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps.
    ISO 21049: 2004 (identical): Pumps-Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps.
This international standard specifies requirements fand gives recommendation for sealing systems for centrifugal and rotary pumps used in the petroleum, natural gas and chemical industries.
It is applicable mainly for hazardeous, flammable and/or toxic services where a greater of reliability is requiredfor the improvement of equipment availability and the reduction of both emissions to atmosphere and life cycle sealing cost.
It covers seal pump shaft diameters from 20mm (0.75 in) to 110 mm (4.3 in).
  1. API 1104: Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
    This standard covers the gas and arc welding of butt, fillet, and socket welds in carbon and low-alloy steel piping used in the compression, pumping and transmission of crude petroleum, petroleum products, fuel gases, carbon dioxida, nitorgen and, where aplicable, covers welding on distribution system.
  2. API 2218: Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants.
    This publication is intended to provide guidance for selection, applying, and maintaining fireproofing systems that are designed to limit the extent of fire related property loss in the petroleum and petrochemical industries.
  3. API 2510: Design and Construction of LPG Installation.
    This standard covers the design, construction and location of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) installation at marine and pipeline terminals, natural gas processing plants, refineries, petrochemical plants or tank farms.
This standard covers storage vessels, loading and unloading systems, piping or related equipment.
  1. API 2510 A: Fire-Protection Consideration for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities.
    This publication addresses the design, operation, and maintenance of LPG Storage facilities, from the standpoints of prevention and control of releases, fire protection design, and fire-control measures. In case of conflict, the API Standard 2510 shall prevail.
  2. API RP 2A-WSD : Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms - Working Stress Design.
    This publication serves as a guide for those who are concerned with the design and construction of new platforms and for the relocation of existing platforms used for the drilling, development, storage of hydrocarbon in offshore area.
In addition, guidelines are provided for the assessment of existing platforms in the event that it become necessary to make a determination of the “fitness for purposes” of the structure.
  1. API RP - 14G: Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control of Fixed Open-Type Offshore Production Platforms
    This publication presents recommendations for minimizing the likelihood of having an accidental fire, and for designing, inspecting, and maintaining fire control systems.
It emphasizes the need to train personnel in fire fighting, to conduct routine drills, and to establish methodes and procedures for safe evacuations.
  1. API RP - 14J: Recommended Practice for Design and Hazard Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities
    This document recommends minimum requirements and guidelines for the design and layout of production facilities on open-type offshore platforms, and it is intended to bring together in one place a brief description of basic hazard analysis procedure for offshore production facilities.
  2. API RP - 521: Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Deprusuring Systems.
    This recommended practice is applicable to pressure-relieving and vapor depressuring systems.
    This recommended practice is intended to supplement the practices set forth in API Recommended Practice 520 Part-1, for establishing a basis of design.
  3. API RP-577: Welding Inspection and Metallurgy
    This recommended practices provides guidance to the API authorized inspector on welding inspection as encountered with fabrication and repair of refinery and chemical plant equipment and piping.
Information reference and copy from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Petroleum_Institute
and others info from internet

Kuala Lumpur, 22 Augustus 2011, 11.52 pm


Sometimes on designing a new project need more and many people and not only people we can hire to the project but hire the people who have experiences to do the project and can work together as a team. And the experiences is for each disciplines. On Engineering design , when we need to start the project many discipline are required. Because sometimes the project is a green field or brown field. But Here according to the subject we only say for green field project.

The Engineering Discipline are required are :
1. Project Engineer who as a leader of the project
2. Civil Design Engineer
3. Process Design Engineer
4. Mechanical Design Engineer
5. Piping Design Engineer
6. Electrical Design Engineer
7. Control System Engineer
8. Pipe Stress Engineer.

During the designing the project, each discipline need information from other each discipline to keep ke project running on the schedule.

So here the interface among each Engineering descipline to keep the design are going well

1.1 Information to Civil
a.  Equipment Installation Height
b.  Pipe rack/Structure/Tabletop
c.  Sleeper
d.  Foundation Installation Height
e.  Pipe Support
f.  Drip Funnel Location
g.  Platforms
h.  Pipe Trench
i.  U/G Pressure Piping
j.  Embedded Plate
k.  Plot Plan
l.  Layout/Arrangement in 3D Model

1.2 Information from Civil
a.  Design Drawings
2.1 Information to Mechanical
a. Equipment Installation Height
b. Nozzle Orientation
c. Platform & Ladder
d. Lug Support
e. LC/LG Arrangement
f. Nozzle Force & Moment
2.2 Information from Mechanical

a. Vendor Catalog
b. Mechanical Data Sheet
c. Engineering Drawing
d. Vendor Drawings
3.1 Information to Instrument
a. Plot Plan
b. Layout/Arrangement in 3D Model
3.2 Information from Instrument

a. Cable Routing
b. Data Sheet, Drawing and Catalog
c. In-line Instrument Dimension
d. Air Supply Connection
e. Design Drawings
f. LC/LG Requirement
4.1 Information to Process

a. UFD Draft for Hose Station
b. Marked-up UFD
c. Hydraulic Sketch
4.2 Information from Process
a. Datasheets for Special Components
b. Line Index
c. P&ID
5.1 Information to Package
a. Plot Plan
5.2 Information from Package

a. Special Equipment Vendor Dwg
b. Package Equipment Vendor Dwg
6.1 Information to Electrical
a. Plot Plan
b. Layout/Arrangement in 3D Model
6.2 Information from Electrical

a. Cable Routing
b. Lighting System Typical Drawing
c. Design Drawings
7.1 Information to Fire Protection

a. Plot Plan
b. Piping Layout
7.2 Information from Fire Protection

a. Fire Fighting P&ID
b. General Arrangement
c. Typical Detail Arrangement
d. Fire Equipment Vendor Drawing

1 What is Plot Plan?
> Is a drawing which express complete configuration of unit or plant by showing equipment layout & structure planning.
> Is one of the most important basic design documents for detail design engineering.
2 What is the “Function of Plot Plan?
2.1 Piping Design
2.2 Civil Engineering
2.3 Electrical Engineering
2.4 Instrument Engineering
2.5 Process/ System Engineering
2.6 Scheduling
2.7 Construction
2.8 Client

3 Functions of Plot Plan:
3.1 Piping Design:
> To produce equipment arrangement studies that facilitate the interconnection of above & underground process/ utility piping.
> To estimate piping material quantity
3.2 Civil Engineering:

> To develop grading & drainage plan, holding ponds, diked areas, foundation & structural design & material estimate.   
3.3 Electrical Engineering:

> To produce area classification drawings, locate switchgear; substation & motor control center; cable route & material estimate.
3.4 Instrument Engineering:
> To locate analyzer houses & cable trays, assist     in the location of main control house & material estimate.
3.5 Process/ System Engineering:
> To facilitate hydraulic design, line sizing &     utility block flow diagram.
3.6 Estimations:
> To estimate the overall cost of the plant.
3.7 Construction:
> To schedule the erection sequence of all plant equipment, rigging studies for large lift, constructability review, marshaling, & lay down areas throughout the entire construction phase.
3.8 Client:
> To safety, operator & maintenance reviews & develop as-built record of plant arrangement.
4  “Required Document/ Data” for Plot Planning:
4.1 Space of Unit Area
4.2 Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
4.3 Utility Flow Diagram (UFD)
4.4 Proposal Plot Plan (from ITB Document)
4.5 Skeleton drawing of equipment showing dimension & configuration
4.6 Data Sheet of H/E, Tank, etc.
4.7 Applicable Code & Standard (Local & Int’l)
4.8 Applicable Laws & Regulations
4.9 Basic Engineering Design Data (BEDD)

5 Steps of Preparation of plot Plan:
5.1 Preparation of Preliminary Plot Plan
> Preliminary equipment layout or arrangement
> Preliminary arrangement of structures, building & other facilities
5.2 Study on Preliminary Plot Plan
> Study on safety instances
> Study on pipe rack width
> Study on routing for main piping & cables
> Study on construction & maintainability
> Study on operation accessibility & operability
> Study on underground obstruction

5.3 Completion of Plot Plan
> Determination of dimension between equipment, structures and etc.
> Modification as a result of piping layout

6 Basic Consideration of Plot Planning:
6.1 General
a. Construction & Maintenance
b. Access & Ease Operation
c. Safety & Prevention of the Spread of Fire
d. Economical Design & Future Expansion
6.2 Blocking
The plant site shall be formed by block in consideration of hazard attendant to plant operation.
a. Process Area
b. Storage Area
c. Utilities Area
d. Administrative & Service Area
e. Other Areas such as:
> Loading & unloading area
> Flare & burnt pit area
> Waste water treatment area or effluent treatment area
6.3 Terrain & Weather
a. Terrain
> Contour
> Land Profile
> Area Physical Character   
b. Weather: Climatic condition such as:
> Stormy weather
> Seasons
> Seismic condition
6.4 Prevailing Wind
Some equipment/ Facilities shall be laid/ mounted on the following wind direction:
a. Windward direction
b. Upwind direction
6.5 Classification of Hazard
The plant layout shall be determined in consideration of classified hazardous area:
a. Classification of location for Electrical Installation in Petroleum Refineries API-RP-500A
b. Area Classification
6.6 Maintenance Space
> Sufficient space shall be provided of maintenance of the facilities.
6.7 Future Expansion

1 What is Piping Layout? (Purpose of Piping Layout)
To determine the following:
a. Equipment Layout
b. Construction & Structure (configuration & elevation)
c. Equipment (vessel) nozzle orientation, platform, lug & ladder (location & configuration)
d. Piping Arrangement (line routing, location of piping component & instrument)
e. Electrical/ Instrument cable layout, location local panel, junction boxer lighting, etc.
f. Location of buried piping & drip funnels.

2 Related Work for Piping Layout
a. Plot Plan Preparation
b. Design Info Preparation
c. Piping Strength Analysis
d. Piping Material Take-off
e. Piping Drawing Preparation

3 Data Gathering & Verification
a. Collect necessary Documents
b. Verify Accuracy

4 Preparation of Basic Piping Layout Plan
a. Piping Conceptual Routing
b. Equipment Layout
c. Civil/Structure Formation
d. Valve & Instrument Assembly
e. Electrical/Instrument Cable Routing
f. Fire Escape Routes/ Maintenance Area

5 Preparation of Breakdown of Piping Layout
a. By Facilities
b. By Section of Facilities
c. By Structure
d. By Unit

6 Determination of Area of Priority
a. Tight Schedule for Design Info. Issuance
b. Some connection with other company (Hook-Up)
c. Plot Plan to Fix Early
d. Complete Set of Documents
e. Having Lines w/ High Temperature: High Pressure (material to be use is high Grade (special) material & Large Size)
f. Piping Material to be Ordered Early

7 Preparation of Piping Layout
7.1 Piping Design Input Data   (Before layout preparation)
a. Plot Plan
b. Process Flow Diagram, Piping & Instrument Diagram & Utility Flow Diagram
c. Line Index
d. Client Standard
e. Piping Material Specification (line classes)
f. Equipment Skeleton Drawing (Pressure vessel except H/E)   
g. Piping General Specifications
h. Standard Drawing (standard pipe support, max. supporting span, & typical detail
i. Existing Job Ref. Vendor Catalog (pump/comp.)
j. Instrument Data Sheet Dwg & Catalog
k. Data Sheet (H/E)
l. Vendor Catalog/ Existing Job Ref.
m. Layout Procedure

7.2 Piping Design Input Data   (During layout preparation)
7.2.1 Supplied from instrument department
a. Cable Routing (main/ pipe rack/sub pipe rack & sleeper)
b. Vendor Drawings
c. Tie-in Dimension List
d. Air Supply Tapping Point
e. Piping/Instrument Split of Work
7.2.2 Supplied from Electrical Department
> Cable Routing (main/ pipe rack/sub pipe rack & sleeper)
7.2.3 Supplied from Fire Fighting Section
a. P & ID
b. General Arrangement
c. Typical Detail (Hydrant; monitor)
d. Vendor Drawings
7.2.4 Supplied from Package Department
a. Package Equipment Vendor Drawing
b. Package P & ID
7.2.5 Supplied from Piping Department
a. Piping Special Component Vendor Drawing
b. LC/LG Arrangement
7.2.6 Supplied from Civil Department
> Site Grading Plan
7.3 Piping Design Output Data   (During layout preparation)
7.3.1 Supply to Equipment Department
a. Equipment Installation Height
b. Nozzle Orientation
c. Platform & Ladder
d. Support Lug
e. LG/LC Arrangement
f. Nozzle Force & Moment
7.3.2 Supply to Civil/ Structural Department
a. Equipment Installation Height
b. Pipe Rack
c. Structure
d. Table Top
e. Sleeper
f. Pump Foundation
g. Pipe Support
h. Drip Funnel Location
i. Operating Platform (Misc.)
j. Pipe Trench
k. Embedded Plate
l. U/G Pressure Piping Layout
m. Spill Wall
n. Pit Information
o. Pit Support Foundation Location
7.3.3 Supply to Instrument Department
a. LG/Visual Direction
b. LC Visual Direction
c. CV Direction
7.3.4 Supply to Furnace (Optional)
a. Platform & Stair or Ladder
b. Pipe Support
c. Burner Orientation
7.3.5 Supply to Package Equipment (Optional)
> Package Unit Orientation
7.3.6 Supply to Rotary
> Rotary Machine Orientation
7.4 Piping Design Output Data   (After layout preparation)
> Final Piping Layout

8 Checking of Piping Layout
When you see the symbols used for identification of piping class designations you need to know the meaning of them.
Piping class designations consists of a maximum of four symbols normally.
The first indicates flange rating, the second indicates corrosion allowance, the third indicates materials of construction, and the fourth denotes the service.
The flange ratings and facings may be Raised Face Flanges,Ring Type Joint Flanges, Lap Joint Flanges,Flat Face Flanges,Non-flange rated systems with rating class150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 or 2500. They may be indicate as A, B, C, D, E, F,…..
Corrosion allowance may be 0.00mm, 1.5mm, 3.0mm, 4.5mm, 5.0mm, 6.0mm.They may be indicate as 0,1,2,3,4,5…
For examplae piping class A1AA
A ( first symbol) is indicated for Raised Face Flanges - Class 150
1 ( second symbol) is indicated for corrosion allowance 1.5mm
A ( third symbol) is indicated for piping marterial ( like Killed Carbon Steel)
A ( fourth symbol) is indicated for service ( like Instrument Air )
2. Define the following Codes and Standards
2.1   ASME
2.2   ANSI
2.3   ASTM   
2.4   BS   
2.5   API   
3. Define the purpose  following:
3.1   Process Vent
3.2   Process Drain
3.3   Pressure Gauge
3.4   Sampling Connection
3.5   Sample Cooler
3.6   Thermowell
3.7   Gate Valve
3.8   Globe Valve
3.9   Ball Valve
3.10 Check Valve
3.11 Diaphragm Valve
3.12 Plug Valve
3.13 Butterfly Valve
3.14   Steam Trap
3.15   Drain Trap
3.16 Spring Support
3.17 Spring Hanger

And About Plot Plan, you can dowload from ziddu  for other reference about making a new Plot Plan.


Thanks and regards

Kuala Lumpur, 22 August 2011, at 09.46 pm.


In this blog I wanna share the information according to the list of Employment Agency in Europe . There are a lot of agent that have written on the list.

But the lists are not update because , the list release on year of 2004. But I thinks this is nice to try If you wanna working in Europe.

And I ever try to send the email of looking a job and there are many respons from that email. Many offering from UK. But the problem is I can not go there cause I should have HSMP program to fill and need sent the certificate to UK. Because I am afraid the oroginal certificates will not arrive on the real address.

Actually I wanna share on this posting for all list like I did on my first blog , pujangga piping but I think you can not read so clearly so I there is way i put on the ziddu file and you can download on ziddu.





Thanks and Regards and hopefully you can get a new job in Europe.

Kuala Lumpur, 22 August 2011

Friday 19 August 2011


More than 14 years experiences in Mechanical & Piping Engineering (Engineering Design, Construction, Production and  Supervision), such : 9  years in Oil & Gas Project as a Mechanical/Piping Design Engineer, 1,5 years in Pulp Machine Project as a Mechanical Construction Engineer and 4 years in Factory & Plantations Company as Factory Assistant/Technical Assistant/Construction Supervisor.
Experiences are spread from Maintenance Engineering, Design Engineering, Construction & Materials Engineering, Operation & Maintenance Supervision.  

Experience includes a combination of engineering, construction, maintenance  for piping and mechanical equipment (static & rotating)  works, cost estimation, supervision & managerial, documentation and material handing & controlling.
Experiences for Piping Engineering  design is conceptual project in oil & gas environment. Have intense and diverse interface with Scope of Work , Piping Design System based safety in design, Materials Take off, Equipment Plan Layout, Pipe stress analysis, Piping Plan Layout & Isometric development. Use base knowledge from operation for client consultancy and develop recommendation during design is often exercised. worked are related with many discipline and with multi national environment.

Design Engineering standard is followed by the international standards such  API, ASME, ANSI, ASTM, NACE, British Standard, ISO, PIP  and the Company standards such of PT  Badak NGL Co Piping Specification, Chevron  Piping Specification, Flour Engineering Design standards and Petronas Piping Specification and Alstom Power Piping Specification.

Engineering Detailed Design Project Experiences :
Ø      Preparing Proposal for Front End Engineering Design (FEED)
Ø      Preparing Proposal for Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
Ø      Basic Design Review and Evaluation
Ø      Prepare Piping Engineering Scope of  Work for the project that have been handle.
Ø      Site Survey Activities and Counter Check Actual Design Requirement
Ø      Prepare Basic Piping Man-hours Estimation for doing the Engineering Design.
Ø      Prepare Design Process Equipments Plant Layout based on the Equipment List Data Sheet,  P&ID and Standard of the Equipment Plan Arrangement  from Clients and Plant Layout Specification.  
Ø      Prepare Design of  Piping Plan Layout  Drawings, Piping Section Plan  Drawings and isometric drawings
Ø      Develop Bill of Materials for Piping based on the Piping Specification from Client and International Standards.
Ø      Develop Cost Estimate for Piping materials and construction.
Ø      Prepare Construction Piping Scope of Work of the project  for easier to construct the from the design.
Ø      Prepare deliverable list for Piping/Mechanical Engineering Design
Ø      Design of Piping and Mechanical Calculation sheet
Ø      Prepare Pipe Support  location , pipe span and pipe loops for the new project
Ø      Prepare Pipeline design of gas line.
Ø      Prepare  Piping Tie In List and Piping Line List based on new P&ID.
Ø      Prepare equipment data sheet, pumps data sheet, special Items data sheet, valve data sheet
Ø      Prepare Design of Piping Plan Layout as follow by the Safety In Design (SID)
Ø      Coordination with Vendors and Sub-Contractor related to Technical and Non Technical Issue
Ø      Request for Quotation (RFQ) Preparation
Ø      Attendant and  as Active to explanation on HAZOPS meeting session related to Process Plant Layout and Piping Plan Layout and Piping arrangement as Safety in Design Issue or interface of the existing pipings.
Ø      Prepare Presentation and conduct the SECOMA Meeting (Safety Engineering Construction Operation Maintenance and Ad Hoc) each project completions on Phase 2, Phase 3 and Phase 4 with client in any discipline)
Ø      Updating the progress measurement each project achievement and completions.
Ø      Prepare Narrative report for Piping Engineering activities Projects.
Ø      Reports progress activity to Lead Piping Engineer and Project Engineer.

 Seminar and Training Experiences :
certificated no OG004751N . Expired Date : 23 December 2013 
q       API 570  PRESSURE PIPING INSPECTOR  Certification Course Certified by ITC Skills Development Sdn Bhd Malaysia  that held  in Batam  dated  9 – 16 January 2010. the  materials included : API 570, API 571, API 574, API 577, API 578, ASME B31.3, ASME B16.5, ASME V and ASME IX. 
q       PIPELINE DESIGN, OPERATION AND CONSTRUCTION (Speaker. Dr. Ir. Asep Handayana Saputra, M.Eng)  certificated by Oil Institut  Batam, that held ini Duri Riau dated 28 – 31 January 2010. The materials included : Basic Pipeline Design, Gas Pipeline System, Pipeline Materials, Pipeline Integrity, Cathodic Protection, Pipeline Construction, Pipeline Operation and Maintenance. The materials included ASME B31.4 & ASME B31.8
 q       RABQSA Occupational Safety & Health Management System – AS/NZ 4801/OSHAS 18001 Certified by            
        RABQSA and PT International Standards Certifications Ltd Sydney Australian, that held in Pekanbaru,
        dated 8 – 9  March 2009. (Certificate No. OH-09087)
q       RABQSA Quality Management Systems – Requirements ISO 9001:2008 Certified by RABQSA and PT International Standards Certifications Ltd Sydney Australian, that held in Pekanbaru, 17 May 2009 (Certificate no. QM-09260)  
q       Process Piping  Engineering ASME B31.3 Certified by  DAP Consultants Jakarta, that held in Batam 11 - 23 January 2009
q       PDMS (Plant Design Management System)  “Basic Introduction, Equipment and Piping” Certified by PT. Side Detail , that held in Batam   11 – 14 January 2009. 
q       Safety In Designs Training, Certified by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Riau Indonesia, that held in Duri Riau 12 June 2006

q       The Training that  held by  Tripatra - Fluor Daniel Consortium Riau Indonesia, such :
Ø      Hazard Identification & JSA (Job Safety Analysis) Training by HES Department ( 17 September 2009)
Ø      Fundamental Safety Work Practice (FSWP) by HES Department  (2005)
Ø      Smith Driving Defensive Course (DDC) by HES Department  (2005)
Ø      Plant Orientation by  HES Department  (2005)
Ø      Team Building Training by HR Department  (2007)
Ø      Safe Work at Height Training by  HSE Department (2008)
Ø      Confined Space Entry by HSE Department (2008)

q       The Training that be held by  PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia Medan Indonesia, such :
Ø      Engineering Training for Palm Oil Mill Assistant by  Engineering Department  (Feb 2002)
Ø      Leadership & Team Building (Out Bond) by Engineering Department  (Feb  2002)
Ø      Engineering Training for Palm Oil Mill Assistant by Engineering Department (September 2002)
Ø      Engineering Training for Technical/Workshop Assistant by Engineering Department (2003)
Ø      Engineering Training for Technical / Workshop Assistant by Engineering Department (2004)
Ø      Engineering Training for Technical/ Workshop Assistant by Engineering Department (2005)

q       The Training that held by PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper , such :
Ø      5 S Training (House Keeping ) by Training Department  (2000)
Ø      Loc Out Procedure by Training Department  (2000)
Ø      Hydraulic  for Fiber line  Machine Training by Valmet  (2000)

q       Training that held by PT. BADAK NGL Co Bontang – Indonesia , such :
Ø      Job instruction for Shutdown Plant  by  Loss Prevention  Department  ( 1996)
Ø      First Aid Training by Medical Department (1997)
Ø      Fire Drill Training by  Loss Prevention Department  (1997)

    Engineering Sizing Software & Others Computer Software Skill

q       Computer Literacy   : Office Application   - MS OFFICE
                                    : Graphic      - BENTLEY MICROSTATION,  
                                                        -  AutoCad,
                                        : Simulator                - Pipe Stress Analysis     
                                                                        -  B31.3 Piping Checklist , 

  Professional Experiences

1.         Date              : 1 June 2011    Present
  Position           : Senior Piping Engineer
  Assigment       : To Work for ALSTOM ASIA PACIFIC SDN BHD,
                              Engineering Arrangement & Piping Division
Duties and responsibilities      
Ø      Design review and check the Arrangement Module Design using PDMS. General check for clash point, access man way, maintenance/operation access  interface between structure, instrument, mechanical equipment, piping in the PDMS module
Ø       Review and Check the General Arrangement Drawings
Ø      Review and Check the P&ID.
Ø       Review and Check the Instrument and JB's Drawings
Ø       Review and Check the System Isometric Layout Drawings
Ø      Review and Check the Isometric Drawing
Ø      Review and Check the Isometric Line List, Insulation Line List, Piping Interface list refer to Module in PDMS, P&ID, GA and Isometric Drawings,
Ø      Review and Pipe Support List, Lisega Support BOM, Lugs and Trunnion List, Stauff Support BOM, Support Secondary Steel BOM refer to Module in PDMS, Pipe Support/hangers Drawings and Stress Analysis Report.
Ø      Review and Check the Piping/Hanger Support Drawings (Permanent and Temporary) refer to Pipe Support List, Module in PDMS and Stress Analysis Report.
Ø       Review and Check MTO.
Ø      Review Structure Steel Drawings refer to Module in PDMS
Ø      Coordination with team according to the new issue and others
Ø      Report to Arrangement Leader.

All Review and Checker drawings and documents are followed by the Alstom Working Instruction guide line, P&ID and International Standard (ASME, ANSI, ASTM)

   2.      Date                : 3 December 2010    31 Mei 2011
Company        : PT. PFCE  Indonesia (Members of PFC Engineering Sdn Bhd)
Assigned to     : Piping Engineering Section Engineering Department  PFCE SDN BHD
            Classification : Piping Engineer

      Duties and responsibilities :
a)      Prepare drafts and technical drawings based on technical data and calculations e.g. Piping Design Basis, Equipment Specifications, Pipe Specification, process requirements, access requirements, aesthetic requirements, Line Lists, Instrument Specifications, Specialty Item Lists, Drawing Index’s and other relevant documents provided by Engineers.  Produce plot plans, equipment layout and piping plans and layouts.
b)      Prepare inputs for civil engineering including identification of rack locations, foundations, access platforms, underground services, pipe supports, structures for elevated equipment and other piping layout requirements.
c)      Engineering Disciplines and Fabrication/Construction personnel. Study layout feasibility, resolve design irregularities, prepare isometric drawings for stress analysis.
d)      Prepare final layouts and drawings integrating inputs provided by other engineering disciplines. Consult and make recommendations on feasibility of design plans and layouts.
e)      Prepare “As-Built” drawings (plot plans, piping GAs, isometrics, etc.) following completion of construction activities. 
f)        Ensure conformity of designs and layouts in accordance to Company engineering procedures and ISO quality standards. Archive master technical drawings in accordance to Company and quality filing procedures.
g)   Perform related duties as and when directed by the direct Sub Lead Piping Engineer 

3.         Date                : 18 February 2010    25 November 2010
Company        : PT. Dimensi Barumas Perdana
Project            : PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Assigned to     : PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia – Facility Management Department
                          Engineering & Construction Division
            Classification : Mechanical Design Engineer (Static, Dinamic & Piping)

Duties and responsibilities   
Ø      Review Engineering work packages, Process Plant Layout, Piping Plan Layout, Bill of Materials and detail drawings.
Ø      Prepare site survey reports and assessment report when funding the not corrected installation in field 
Ø      As built the Process Plant Layout and Piping Plant Layout before  start for new design of new peojects.
Ø      Prepare Design Layout of Equipment , Piping , pipeline as follow the Safety in Design (SID)
Ø      Responsible to prepare drawings for Process Plant Layout, Piping Plan Layout, Isometric Layout, calculations, Bill of Materials, Tie in list, valve data sheet, pumps data sheet, tank data sheet  to be submitted to Client.
Ø      Meeting with Client discussion of technical, clarification about activities and deliverable aspect.
Ø      Attended weekly project meetings, monthly project management reporting and acting as PIC for the whole project  as required by the lead engineer.
Ø      Attended HAZOPS meeting with Client to discuss safety design of the routing piping layout, equipment layout, feasibility  review of the new project, maintenance access, operations access, Risk Assessment etc
Ø      Prepare job safety analysis (JSA)  & SOP (Standard Operation Procedure)  to clarify activities to assure scope of works.
Ø      Prepare piping road crossing design while the piping crossing the road
Ø      Prepare Design of Piping Design Layout and Mechanical Equipment for Water Treatment  Plant.

4.         Date                : 27 July 2009 – 31 December 2009
Company        : PT. Tripatra – Flour Consortium – Flexible Program Management
Project            : PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (Sumatra Light North)
Assigned to     : PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia , REM (Reability Engineering
                          Maintenance) Departement
Classification : Construction Engineer (Piping & Mechanical Structure)

Duties and responsibilities :

Ø      Executing coordination and control contractors activities in managing company & contractors activities of facility construction and built in the good communication, system between contractors, me, and Client Project Engineer
Ø      Monitor construction activity by spending considerable amount of time in the field and liaison with contractors.
Ø      Review contractors SOP (standards operational procedure and JSA (jobs safety analysis) before execution in the field. And ensure steps of working during project execution will done correct ways and follows by SOP and Safety regulations.
Ø      Provide technical consultation for facility engineering as review contractor project execution plan.
Ø      Work closely with companies representative and other contractor function related to engineering,  procurement, construction and QA/QC.
Ø      Report and communicate with client representative regarding field problem during execution (change design, additional scope of work)
Ø      Witness of hydrostatic test and test pack during project execution
Ø      Inspected the existing pipe road crossing of 600 wells in area CMT PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (SLN)

5.   Date                      : 23 September 2005 – 31 May 2009
      Company              : PT. Tripatra – Flour Consortium
      Project                  : Flexible Program Management
      Assigned   to         : PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
      Classification        : Design Engineer (Piping & Mechanical (Static & Rotating))

      Duties and responsibilities :
Ø      Review Engineering work packages, Process Plant Layout, Piping Plan Layout, Bill of Materials and detail drawings for biding purpose and submission for Approval by BP Migas.
Ø      Squad Check drawings with other disciplines and input P&ID design should be meets with project basis and Client needed.
Ø      Make the clarification & discussion with client and vendor before execute the final specification. Such of Fiberglass (FRP) Piping, fire water pumps and Fire Water tank, strainer and fire fighting equipments for engineering work package
Ø      Prepare site survey reports and assessment report when funding the not corrected installation in field 
Ø      As built the Process Plant Layout and Piping Plant Layout before  start for new design of new projects.
Ø      Prepare Design Layout of Equipment , Piping , pipeline as follow the Safety in Design (SID)
Ø      Responsible to prepare drawings for Process Plant Layout, Piping Plan Layout, Isometric Layout, calculations, Bill of Materials, Tie in list, valve data sheet, pumps data sheet, tank data sheet  to be submitted to Client.
Ø      Meeting with Client discussion of technical, clarification about activities and deliverable aspect.
Ø      Attended weekly project meetings, monthly project management reporting and acting as PIC for the whole project  as required by the lead engineer
Ø      Up dating weekly progress measurement and schedule project for control system activities.
Ø      Attended HAZOPS meeting with Client to discuss safety design of the routing piping layout, equipment layout, feasibility  review of the new project, maintenance access, operations access, Risk Assessment etc
Ø      Prepare job safety analysis (JSA)  site survey to clarify activities to assure scope of works.
Ø      Prepare Pipe Support location, Pipe span and Pipe loops
Ø      Prepare piping road crossing design while the piping crossing the road
Ø      SECOMA Meeting and Construct  Ability review for new design after Engineering worked Package completed.

6.   Date                      : 1 January 2002 – 22 September 2005
      Company              : PT. TOLAN TIGA INDONESIA (SIPEF N.V. GROUP)  Medan.
Assigned to           :  PT. Agro Muko Crumb Rubber Factory  (Jan 2002 – Feb. 2003)
                                 PT Simpang Kiri Plantation Indonesia (March 2003-April 2004)
                                 PT. Bandar Sumatra Indonesia (May 2004 – June 2005)
                                 Rehabilitation and Reconstruction for Aceh. (June 2005 – Sept. 2005)
      Classification        : Technical Assistant / Mill Assistant/ Project Supervisor

Duties and Responsibilities :
Ø      Supervision of SIPEF Fund for Project Rehabilitation and Reconstruction For Aceh After Disaster.
Ø      Supervision of the construction of the new project  by the contractors ..
Ø      Prepare progress weekly, two weekly and monthly report to Main Office in  Medan.
Ø      Prepare Standard operational procedure for Rubber Factory and Technical Workshop.
Ø      Quality Control of the Rubber production such RSS 1, RSS 2, SIR 3CV60, SIR 20 , SIR 10.
Ø      Supervision the manpower activity of Rubber Factory and Workshops
Ø      Prepare yearly estimate for the next year activity of the Factory & Technical Department.
Ø      Assist Factory Manager while the Manager Factory on leave or on duty.
Ø      Coordination with marketing department of Head Office about the shipment o the Rubber Product to Buyer.
Ø      Check the quantity of the rubber products as per daily estimation of the rubber products.

 7.  Date                      : 27 March 2000 – 30 June 2001
      Company              : PT. PECTECH INDONESIA  (MEMBERS OF APRIL GROUP)
      Project                  : Pulp Machine Area (PD 1, PD 2 and PD 3
      Assigned               : PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper
Classification        : Mechanical Engineer
  Duties and responsibilities:
        As Design engineering jobs:
     - Prepare design of monorail for access maintenance for the pumps and as safety design.
     - Prepare design of platform for maintenance access and as safety design
     - Prepare design of modification for motors casing that have been bad damaged.
     - Prepare bill of materials and bill of quantity for new design for additional works.
     - Issued projects drawings and revision drawings to sub contractors.
     - Controlling the document of project and drawing for Pulp Dryer Department.

    As Materials take off jobs:
     -  Prepare materials purchase list and construction punch list while the materials are not
        Provided by the vendors coordination with the Procurement Department.
     - Check and issued the vendors materials for Pulp machine projects coordination with
        Logistic Department.
     - Coordination with vendor persons ( Noss, Voith, ABB Flack, Ahltrom Pumps, Kone Crane
        to check and issued materials for the projects.

    As per Construction engineering jobs:
     - Supervision for the installation platforms, handrail, ladder and monorail.
     - Assist supervision of commissioning and start up for Pulp Machine I & 2 Upgrade and New  
         Pulp Machine 3 Project. 
      - Coordination with vendor persons for assist the construction Pulp Machine project.

 8.  Date                      : 16 October 1998 – 31 October 1999
      Company              : PT.  RADIANT UTAMA
      Project                  : Train H “Technical Department” (Seconded)
      Assigned               : PT. BADAK NATURAL GAS LIQUIFACTION, Technical
                                      Department, Facilities Engineering Section
Classification        : Mechanical Engineer
Duties and Responsibilities:
 - Reviewing request for engineering from operation department.
 - Preparation, coordination and implementation of complete engineering package with
   usually involved feasibility, re-abilities and safety studies.
 - Designs and calculations as per International standard, API, ASME, ANSI, ASTM, ANS,
   AISC, PT. Badak NGL standard.
 - Prepare design of modification P&ID, piping plan and section, and isometric drawings as
   per piping specification
 - Prepare and as build P&ID
       - Prepare Bill of Materials and Bill of Quantity (BM / BQ)
 - Prepare cost estimate as per MMS PT. Badak NGL Co. 
 - Site Engineer for pressure vessels, columns, exchangers, coolers during plant shutdown     
   and new piping constructions 
 - Identification of deficiencies for quality control punch list of Train H (LNG Refinery
   Plant) expansion project. 

 9.  Date                      : 4 April 1997 – 15 March  1998
      Company              : PT.  SUPRACO
      Project                  : Train G “Technical Department” (Seconded)
      Assigned               : PT. BADAK NATURAL GAS LIQUIFACTION, Technical
                                      Department, Facilities Engineering Section.
Classification        : Mechanical Engineer

 Duties and Responsibilities:
 - Reviewing request for engineering from operation department.
 - Preparation, coordination and implementation of complete engineering package with
   usually involved feasibility, re-abilities and safety studies.
 - Designs and calculations as per International standard, API, ASME, ANSI, ASTM, ANS,
   AISC, PT. Badak NGL standard.
 - Prepare design of modification P&ID, piping plan and section, and isometric drawings as
   per piping specification
 - Prepare and as build P&ID
       - Prepare Bill of Materials and Bill of Quantity (BM / BQ)
 - Prepare cost estimate as per MMS PT. Badak NGL Co. 
 - Site Engineer for pressure vessels, columns, exchangers, coolers during plant shutdown     
   and new piping constructions 
 - Identification of deficiencies for quality control punch list of Train G (LNG Refinery
   Plant) expansion project. 

 10. Date                     : 14 April 1996 – 25 December 1996
      Company              : PT.  CITRA PANJI MANUNGGAL (Members of MEDCO GROUP)
      Project                  : Plant Maintenance Shut Down
      Assigned               : PT. BADAK NATURAL GAS LIQUIFACTION,  Maintenance
                                      Department, Stationary Equipment Section.
     Classification         : Scheduler / Quality Control for Preventive Maintenance Activity
     Duties and responsibilities:
For Maintenance shutdown activities:
-         Control daily progress activity for LNG Refinery Plant Shutdown in Train A, B, C , D, E, F, G, H while routine maintenance. Shutdown activity

For Maintenance daily activities:
-         Controlling the preventive maintenance activity program for all Plant from PT. Badak NGL Co. The maintenance activity are :
-         Controlling cleaning tube cooler, trainer, fin fan cooler, turbine for all Plant 
-         Controlling the injection grease on the mooring dolphin, loading arm of LNG/LPG deck.
-         Controlling remove and reinstall PSV on LNG Refinery Plant and Power Plant.