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Tuesday 23 August 2011


This is my story about vacation to Padang Sumatera Barat Indonesia. And This vacation i do with my famaly around of march 2009 and it is more than 2 years. And Until that vacation I never go there again.

But the location is nice and good place becuase the location in closed to the see. and we called "Pantai Air Manis" may be in English , we can say " Sweet Water Beach" and around 2 hours from Padang, you can reach the location. But it is not easy to reach the location because from Padang city, you should drive a car to pass the big hill. because from padang the location is closed by the Hill.

And If you wanna go there, I think better you go with the travel agent or you can go by taxi or rent car. And make sure the condition of car is very good because the road is very dangerous closed to the gap. And Should be carefully if drive on that road. Bu don't be afraid as long as you drive safety you can catch the location of Pantai Air Manis.

 Catatan si Malin Kundang: Antologi eseiHere some story about Malin Kundang from Indonesia , becuase there are many story looks like Malin Kundang in the world. The sample is nahkoda manis, story from Brunei and Si Tanggang from malaysia.
and i don't which is the real story about the fishman who are rich but he arogant with his mother and became a stone. As long as this story is make you happy, I ma happy ..

"The Sory of Malin Kundang"
Malin Kundang (also called Si Tanggang or Nakhoda Manis) is a Southeast Asian folktale about retribution on an ungrateful son. A sailor from a poor family, the protagonist sneaks onto a trading ship, eventually becoming rich, marrying a princess, and acquiring his own galleon. On his return to his home village, he is ashamed of his humble origins and refuses to recognise his elderly mother. She curses him, and when he sets sail, he and his ship are turned to stone.

In Indonesia, the story is called Malin Kundang, and the legend is based in West Sumatra. Air Manis, a beach near Padang, has a rock formation called Batu Malin Kundang that is said to be the remains of his ship.

Another Indonesian folk story which is alike but take the different location is the legend of Sampuraga. The legend is based in Central Borneo. Belantikan Hulu, a remote area along the river Lamandau, Indonesia, has a rock formation called Bukit Sampuraga which is believed to be the ruins of his ship.

Nakhoda Manis

In Brunei, the story is Nakhoda Manis and is associated with a prow-like rock, Jong Batu, in the Brunei River.[3]

Si Tanggang
In Malaysia, the story is known as Si Tanggang (or Si Tenggang), being associated with the Batu Caves, some chambers of which are said to resemble a ship's cabins. [4] The Malaysian version is unique in that the protagonist, Tanggang, is an orang asli from the Temuan tribe who was abducted by slave traders. He later assimilates himself into Malay society and refuses to receive his loincloth-wearing parents. A variance of Si Tenggang, with the title "Charitra Megat Sajobang" was also mentioned in Malay Magic (1900) pp 54-55 printed by The Macmillan Company : New York. Clearly shown that as at 1900, it's already acquire a status as folklore stories

As a parable on family responsibility, the story is popular in Southeast Asia as a theme for animations, film, drama and literature even until today. For example, a black and white Malay movie was produced in 1961 [9], the 1979 autobiographical The Travel Journals of Si Tenggang II, one of the major poetical collections of the Malaysian Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh, uses the story as a metaphor for the general experience of moving away from one's cultural roots.[10], and 2009 Astro Malaysia Documentary.

reference of this story is from Wikipedia and others outher experinces during trip in Padang.

 here I enclosed the picture of Pantai Kayu Manis.

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Part od Ship that became a stone"

  Part of the Ship already became a stone

The Malin Kundang

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Pantai Air Manis (The Sweet Water Beach)

Part of the Ship already became a stone

Part of the Ship already became a stone

Part of the Ship already became a stone
And I don't know this is true story or only legend.

Kuala Lumpur, 23 August 2011 at 10.31 pm.

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