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Friday 19 August 2011


I just confused to make the tittle of this for my first posting on this blog. Actually I shoud say on tittle "First Posting to my blog" but I guess that tittle is not cool. And I thinking again and i got the idea to put the tittle "Road to Canberra"..

Actually it is not the first posting on the blog , there are alot of posting in others blog that belogs to me. The many posting I eve made to others blog is around 65 postings and may be more. Because more that one years I joint on the blogspot to make a new blog. Hopefully I can get money from blog but until now I do not have much.

I don't know why..and I try to read again the blogger book and I get the point if I wanna blogger money you should make a blog in Englsih. It means write all posting in English. So there is way I make another blog that say or in English to closed to the blogger money.

as you see my first blog is Pujangga piping. and the web is http://pujanggapiping.blogspot.com/ and all story in the blog is combination between bahasa Indonesia and English and also the account still in yahoo mail.
now I make another blog on the same tittle "Pujangga Piping II" ,the II means the second or the others.

Why I put Road To Canbeera, the reason is next year, me will follow my wife to study in Canberra. So as a follower I should get a job that related with my experiences but for me every thing jobs I will do it as long as I can stay with my family in Canberra.
Because of this I start to say in English and write in English to practicing my knowledge of English Leaguage before I am coming to Canberra.

Right now I working in Kuala Lumpur with the agent company to supply me to Power plant Engineering Consultant. And May be I will be lose my jobs If I followed my family to go to Canberra. But we already agree that as long as we will be together , everything is gonna be oke.\

So now I should practice the English, and make a good English and try to get exam EILTS in Kuala Lumpur as per role to get a job in Canberra.

So all understand now why I make another blog and why I speak and write in English because I wanna get a job in Canberra during I companied my family there. Hopefully I can get another jobs in Canberra.

Kuala Lumpur, 19 August 2011

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